Lofoty, najpiekniejsza kraina pod sloncem

Tym razem post bedzie w jezyku polskim. Pisze go z mysla o polskich widzach oraz sluchaczach, ktorych bede miala okazje spotkac pod koniec maja w Gdyni na pokaze moich zdjec z Lofotow. Przepraszam niestety za brak polskich liter w tekscie.

Lofoty to zdecydowane ‘must’ czyli miejsce, ktore poprostu trzeba odwiedzic. Jesli ktos uwielbia podrozowac oraz marzy, aby odwiedzic dziewicza Norwegie, to to jest to miejsce, ktore bedzie najbardziej reprezentatywne z punktu widzenia pieknej norweskiej przyrody. Jesli na dodatek kochacie nature oraz jej surowosc, to wiecej przekonywac was nie musze. Przyjedzcie, zobaczycie o czym pisze. Continue reading

Weekend in a fairytale land


There is this place in Norway, midway between Oslo and Bergen, a skiing center by the name Geilo. A year ago me and my husband had the pleasure to spend a weekend in one of the hotels there, Highland Lodge Geilo. It was a wedding gift from my husband’s brother and his family and what a great one!

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Where pigs are happy

Thanks to WHO we all have recently learned that red meet and bacon are dangerous for our health on the line with cigarettes. Both can cause cancer.

It is obvious that vegetables are healthy or are they? When I was growing up, in my little village close to Ostroleka, vegetables on our plates came either from local farms or our own garden. I remember going to our little yard, puling out carrots, cleaning them or not and eating them raw. They were the tastiest thing.

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